Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 7

The day's events were extraordinarily fortunate for me.

The night spent in the basement was long, made longer by the sound of Captain Hero watching television on the floor above us. My fellow villains were talking in a friendly manner, until they touched on the subject of why we were in our 'host's ' lair in the first place, specifically without his permission.

Once he found out he was pretty annoyed.

"You sneaked into my lair do destroy my death ray?" he bellowed at us.

"Yes," the two of us housebreakers said in unison.

He groaned. "It's not a death ray. It's a coffee machine. I called it a death ray because it doesn't sound very overlordly to say I built a coffee machine."

There was a few moments of silence, then my friend, thank goodness, announced that he had managed to untie himself.

He untied me too, and we both glanced at our mutual rival.

"He is competition," pointed out my friend.


"But he's not very good competition."


"But we still shouldn't risk letting him out. We did break into his lair, after all."

"That's also true."

So we left him. Captain Hero was asleep in front of the blaring TV, so we moved past him easily and left the lair.

My friend headed home, to his lair in Florida. I returned to my fortress as well.

Until tomorrow, my minions.

Seventeen days till completion of the death-ray.

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