Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 3

Today I decorated the lair for Christmas. After the failed bank robbery yesterday I didn't really have a lot of money for decorations, but I had a few strands of Christmas lights from last year and the year before and the year before that, I had my plastic nativity scene up, and I made some paper snowflakes, etc.

Of course, naturally I wanted a Christmas tree, so I went to cut one from the woods. Isn't it amazing I managed to pick the exact same day as Captain Hero?

Of course, he managed to find the best tree in the forest and was hauling it home with one hand, while writing all his Christmas cards at the same time, the jerk.

Despite my incredible super skills at hiding and camouflage (I jumped into a snowdrift) he managed to spot me.

Placing his Christmas cards and tree carefully on the ground, he thrust out his chin and issued some ridiculously egotistical challenge.

Of course, I proceeded to fight him in typical evil overlord fashion, which is to say, I turned and ran as fast as I could. And, for once, I managed to make it back to the EUL before he caught me.

Once in the EUL, I immediately headed into the laboratory and placed the unfinished death ray in the safe. I then headed to the safe room and, again in evil overlord fashion, locked and bolted the doors.

Outside came the sound of pure destruction.

When at last it was silent, I left the room, and discovered that my nemesis had indeed been busy. All the decorations were trashed. My snowflakes were ruined. My lights were shattered.

And I still need a Christmas tree.

On the plus side, the death ray is ahead of schedule. Twenty-one more days to go.

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