Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 15- A new addition

Oh, no.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

As you may have gathered, I live alone in my fortress (with the exception of a few random minions and henchmen). I'm fine with that.

And suddenly, I have an intern.

You wouldn't think it would be so bad. Not really. He's my cousin, and he's okay to talk with. But training? Ugh. Ugh, ugh.

This is going to be a long week. Or month. Or year. I don't really know how long he's staying. I suppose I could get him to do a few simple chores, maybe some menacing graffiti or something. He could break into a ninety-eight cents store or something. But really, he's hopeless. He lacks all evil potential.

Here's an example of what I mean. An accurate account of the yesterday:

'I walked into the room. There Mathew was (not a very over-lordly name), sitting on the couch of evil, writing a letter.
"What's that?" I asked.
"A letter."
"To who?"
"The Board of International Heroes. I want to lodge a formal complain about your treatment from Captain Hero," said Mathew, finishing writing and folding the paper into a nice, cream-colored envelope with a stamp depicting a puppy on it.
     Now, obviously a letter like that, especially from MY intern, would ruin my reputation as one of the better teenage villains in the country.
"You can't send that!" I said in absolute horror.
An argument followed, which started with the letter and ended with complaints that he was invading my personal space by doing things like eating my cookies or coming within eight yards of me while I'm trying to look cool while pulling off a robbery.

In the end, we solved the personal space solution in a very mature and reasonable manner: we drew a line across the middle of the onyx floor, dividing the fortress in half.

My half has the big screen TV.

I was writing this from my laptop while watching TV with smug satisfaction, when the mail man delivered a letter, from the Board of International Heroes, who have politely declined to terminate Captain Hero's job (and possibly himself). They also commented that it was rather unusual for tough evil overlords to whine.

Stupid TV.

Stupid intern.

Stupid letter.

Nine days till death ray completion. I might have a test target in mind.

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